Sharing our love for family and crafting

Ideas for Creating Strong Families and Wonderful Crafts

Welcome friends

We are Jorge and Ilia Liz Christian, bloggers based in Maryland. This blog is a place for us to share thoughts, ideas, experiences, and resources about family, as well as various forms of crafting.

Blog Posts

We will be sharing informational, as well as, inspirational stories covering general topics and recommendations regarding parenting and upbringing, relationships, faith, work, culture, education, crafts, and travel.  This will be based on our experiences and what proved to work for us.  Also, we will share our opinion with respect to products that we hope could be value in your own family environment.

As far as crafts is concerned, we are not experts nor do we intend to overwhelm you with a lot of information.  However, we enjoy embarking in simple hands-on type of crafts that involve sewing, knitting, cross-stitching, quilting, etc.  We will share our ideas on the tools we use, the projects we have done, and what we would like to do in the future.

In case you were curious, the “stitches” logo, with the strands, symbolizes for us the bond between faith and the various elements that affect the family.  This bond is rooted on our Catholic faith.  It has its foundation on the four cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and courage (or fortitude).  Also it takes into consideration the three theological virtues of faith, hope and charity.

I hope that you find motivation, encouragement, and inspiration reading our blog.

Happy reading!

Ilia Liz and Jorge

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